Baltic Sea, 2014
underwater architecture membrane, rope, bags, sand, air, wetsuits
dimensions flexible
in collaboration with Anna Romanenko and Björn Kühn

Liminal Dome is an endeavour into the vast territory off the coast of Nida and below the surface of the Baltic Sea. A submarine architecture and a technique to stage an environment that questions the conditions of possible aquatic life.

This submarine architecture is a place to hide underwater and was temporarily set up in the Baltic Sea. It was accessible for individual visit: Each morning during our residency at Nida Art Colony (LT) I trained my colleagues in breathing, stretching and calisthenics, in preparation for visits to the dome. People were individually invited to follow us to the beach at 5 AM, then dive into the black sphere.


Liminal Dome was temporarily set up in the Baltic Sea in May 2014. The structure was accessible for individual visit.

Catalogue of liminal beings
(pencil on paper DIN A4, excerpt)

© Gabriel Hensche 2024